
Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Is seeing believing?


Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Be Cybersmart

Painting cows

Title and Link to article: Painting cows like zebras to keep flies away
When and where did the event take place?
 published on october 11 2019
What happened?
Japanese black cows are painted black and white like zebras to keep biting flies away.
What is one perspective about the event? 
Amon - I think it is very smart but then again a waste of time because it will just come off if it rains.
What is a different perspective about the event?
Suave - I think that's a really good idea because the flies can actually be disgusting.
What are your thoughts about the event?
My thoughts about painting cows to keep flies away is a really cool idea because flies are bothering cows but now they are confused by the striped cow and it stops the fly’s from landing.
Find a picture or video of this event and insert it here.

Monday, 14 October 2019

Goals for term 4

Goals for term 4
Learning goals: To try my best in all learning activities. To stay focussed on my work.

 Behavior goals: To respect all students and teachers. To be respectful to school property.
Image result for respectful behaviour
social goals: To have a positive relationship with my friends. To hang out with friends that are going to help me.
Image result for positive friendship
Personal goals: To grow more facial hair. To eat healthy food. 

Image result for healthy food
Description: today my class had to write down our goals.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Blog commenting

Today my class room 10 blog commented on our buddy classes blogs.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Tongan Language Week



1. On Tongan language celebration day my classmates and i performed a Tongan item in front of the whole school,

2. we had to practice most days of the week,

3. we had two lines a back line and a front line,

4. we weren't allowed to wear shoes on stage,

5. we had to look nice for our performance.

  1. Hoka - Fight
  2. nifo - teeth
  3. ulu - hair
  4. fitu - 7
  5. hiva - 9 or sing
i liked how we performed.

i enjoyed practicing our dance.

i liked watching all the performances.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Blog Commenting

WALT: Comment on our buddy class.

Maths term 3

Today we learnt about percentages and strategies.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Cybersmart T3 W3

This week we learnt about using positive sentence starters.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Sharing Online

Today we learned about what we should share and what we shouldn't share. I completed a task that is about what things i should and shouldn't share online.   What do you share online?

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Manaiakalani Learning Questionnaire

I have completed the Manaiakalani Learning Questionnaire I liked the question about Learn Create Share makes my learning interesting because my learning is very interesting.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Thursday, 28 March 2019

About last week

Last week room 10 went to the pools well i stayed at school in room six. I read and wrote about a book called kelp plants and another book called Mr lawson proves his point. I enjoyed getting tokens and learning about kelp plants i also enjoyed making little friends. I learnt that kelp plants are sea forest.

Kelp plants live in cool shallow water close to the shore. They need sunlight to survive. In the deep they cannot grow because they can’t feel the sunlight they also provide food and shelter for thousands of fish.

Kelp forest grow on rocky reefs where the water is about 30 metres deep. It anchors itself to a rock with its holdfast. The holdfast is like a root but it does not provide food or water. I need to work on typing fast and not getting distracted.

DESCRIPTION: Today i had to write about what i did when room 10 was away.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

The First European Explorers

WALT: Summarize different text with our group. 

 The First European Explorers
Until the seventeenth century people in Europe did not know much about the southern half of the world and they didn’t know what new zealand was. They believed that in the south pacific a great continent lay there. Dutch captains had drawn the australian map of the cost but they didn’t know what was in the east. Abel Tasman was a dutchman who was sent to find a mysterious continent that could be useful for a trade.

Abel tasman was the first to discover new zealand in 1642 he became the first known european to discover new zealand. Some of his men tried to land in the south island they were attacked and killed by local maori’s. After he quiky left he named the place murderers bay today it’s called golden bay.

He drawed the map of the west coast as he sailed north then returned to europe. He didn’t know if he had drawn a map of a coast or a continent. New zealand used to be called novo zeelandia it was named after a place that is in holland it is called zeeland.

Tasman wrote a report about war-like maori discourage other explorers for a long time. Europeans have reached new zealand again after a hundred and twenty seven years.

Captain james cook was a english sailor who arrived in new zealand in 1769. When he met a maori it ended up with misunderstanding and a big fight. Most tribes were friendly they traded fresh food for european goods. Captain james cook drew the first complete map of new zealand while sailing around the coast line.

He voyaged twice to new zealand in 1773-4 and 1776.
DESCRIPTION: This week i have been learning about history my class was split up into groups and read a text and then summarised that text.


this is auckland sky tower and down here is napier

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Friday, 1 March 2019

About Me

Profile Picture
Kia ora my name is Deniro and I am a year 8 student in the Kia Manawanui syndicate. I love playing sports in school and outside of school.